4 Ways a Fulfillment Center Boosts ECommerce Sales

We take fulfillment personally.

4 Ways a Fulfillment Center Boosts ECommerce Sales

August 29, 2022

A fulfillment center is more than just a storage facility. Fulfillment centers, in addition to holding your inventory, can also manage the packing and distribution of your orders. Fulfillment centers are, therefore, an excellent approach for helping to optimize and simplify your business’s logistical needs. With the kitting, pick and pack shipping, and heavy lifting out of the way, now you can concentrate your efforts on getting more of your awesome product into your customer’s hands! Here’s how!

Here are the top 4 ways that a Fulfillment Center partner helps:

A Fulfillment Center Saves You Money!

Fulfillment centers serve several clients in a single location. This gives them significant purchasing power when negotiating with vendors. That means you can save on supplies and shipping! Yeah… you heard that right. If you are partnered with the right Fulfillment Center , they will have exclusive benefits such as discounts on boxes, printing, stickers, filler, and other packaging supplies which they can subsequently pass on to you. Having a fulfillment center such as Alpaka handle logistics means you won’t have to worry about the costs of managing and staffing for storage, packaging, and shipping. Shipping may account for up to 70% of total fulfillment expenses, so having it handled for you could save you a lot of money. Aside from salary reductions, you also save a significant amount on operating expenditures. That is good news!

Focus on the Bigger Picture with a Fulfillment Center

Taking orders, sorting through merchandise, packing, and shipping are all important aspects of your business. However, these responsibilities are also difficult to accomplish and manage while running the rest of your operations. You may have to find the resources to recruit more employees! Then there’s handling in-house packaging and shipping, but do you have the time to supervise these processes? This is where fulfillment centers like Alpaka come in. We take the nitty-gritty work out of your hands, giving you more time to focus on the bigger picture and narrow in on business opportunities like sales, customer service, marketing, and planning.

Manage E-Commerce Fulfillment

Are you more inclined to wheel a physical cart along the aisles of your neighborhood supermarket or add an item to your online shopping cart with the click of a button? More and more customers are making the understandable shift from brick-and-mortar stores to online shopping. With the right technology and operational expertise, you can finesse that transition. Use a fulfillment center like Alpaka to manage your e-commerce fulfillment. You will be given enough room and labor to satisfy your requirements without having to sacrifice quality or service.

Eliminate Warehouse Headaches

A fulfillment center eliminates your need for a warehouse. As your company’s performance develops, so does its demand and inventory. While this expansion is great, dealing with an overflowing inventory can be a nightmare. But we’ve got you!

A fulfillment company takes this headache out of your hands. We store your inventory for you and take care of deliveries, product handling, and other organizational matters. You’ll never have to worry about your inventory running low again. All you have to look out for is a notification from us. We’re here to make your experience as seamless and worry-free as possible.

Other Ways to Boost E-Commerce Sales

While partnering up with a 3PL service will save you time and money and help to increase e-commerce sales, there is also an assortment of other ways to increase sales. After you join forces with Alpaka, consider exploring some of these additional moneymaking ideas and options.

  • Establish a connection between social media accounts and your online store.
  • Go on all of the social media and be as active as possible.
  • As much as possible, keep your shipping costs low (discuss this with your 3PL service).
  • Through email marketing, connect with customers.
  • With high-quality photos, showcase your products.
  • Incorporate a responsive design. (On smart phones, etc., make sure your website renders properly.)
  • On your product pages, include customer reviews.
  • Create relevant, interesting content.
  • So customers can find your business when they’re searching, improve your search engine ranking.
  • To suit your precise needs, see to it you’re using the right e-commerce platform.
  • Make sure your checkout process is simple and free of glitches.
  • On your website, it’s important to provide a chat feature. You may have far fewer customer calls and complaints if your consumers can simply use a convenient chat feature to solve their problems and get their questions answered.
  • Customer service should be focused on in no uncertain terms. When deciding whether or not to make a purchase, customer service is a consideration for roughly 84% of today’s consumers.
  • Make your customer experience not only as enjoyable but as simple and painless as possible.
  • Your selling proposition is unique so be sure to find what suits you and your business best. What’s your story? What’s your store’s story? Compared to everyone else, do you offer something fresh and different?
  • To find out how your customers locate your store/website, use analytics.
  • Make sure you connect with your target audience and understand what they’re all about.

Talk to Us at Alpaka

Not only do fulfillment centers eliminate logistical headaches for organizations, but they also meet the needs of your customers. Customers expect convenience and speed when they make their online purchases. Alpaka ensures your clients receive their purchases in the shortest amount of time possible!

Instead of investing time and money just to pack and fill orders – you should be selling instead! We’ve got your back. Fulfillment Center is our middle name.

With all of these advantages, it only makes sense that your next step is to collaborate with Alpaka! Take a look at our past projects and testimonials. When you’re ready to chat, contact us about maximizing your order fulfillment today.

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