The 8 Best Gifts For People Who Work From Home

We take fulfillment personally.

The 8 Best Gifts For People Who Work From Home

October 3, 2022

Hi! It’s Al:) I just finished sending out gifts to our 2 “remote” staff members! I feel amazing. Seriously… I’m not sure who is happier about the gifts, me or the recipients (Ha!). I absolutely LOVE sending gifts. Everybody enjoys receiving gifts. And while the actual gift kinda matters, it’s pretty cool just to receive a gift in the first place. It shows that the giver has thought about and cares about the receiver. The impact is really undeniable. It can be difficult, I’ve found, to figure out what to send, so I wanted to share with you some of the things we send our staff.

How do you choose gifts for people who work from home? Well, this nifty guide should provide you with all the answers you need to that question!

A Houseplant for Relaxation

Cleaning agents, paint, mold, and mildew are just a few of the items in our homes that contribute to air pollution. By converting carbon dioxide to fresh oxygen, a houseplant can improve the air quality of employees’ homes.

A houseplant also has the power to drastically enhance a workspace. In fact, a UK study discovered that having one nearby increases productivity by 15%. Productivity aside, houseplants are known for their ability to help people relax and relieve stress. Offering a plant to those who work from home is truly giving them a lovely reminder to take better care of themselves!

A Good Pair of Headphones for Work-from-Home Meetings

Long video conferences and phone calls can be made a little more bearable with a decent pair of headphones. One with noise reduction will undoubtedly do the trick, especially if employees are attempting to complete their tasks in a crowded household with screaming kids.

If the recipient of your present does not already own a set of noise-canceling headphones or a standalone microphone, a two-in-one gadget can improve their voice quality in meetings, their ability to hear others on calls, and their ability to block out distracting noises.

A Permanent Scratchpad for Taking Notes

During the course of our workdays, many of us need to jot down notes that we’ll refer to only once—things like conference-call numbers and takeout orders.

With a lovely dry-erase clipboard to hold all of that information and keep their desk tidy, your gift recipient could save paper and avoid having sticky notes all over their desk.

A Scented Candle for Good Vibes

For so many of us, work has evolved into a primarily 2D activity, so the physicality of a flickering flame feels weirdly grounding.

Scents can also help soothe the soul, especially during a post-work R&R session. Of course, what appeals to one person’s sense of smell may be unpleasant to another. When in doubt, choose the best-selling scent in a popular candle store.

The best part of gifting a scented candle is that the candle jar can be utilized as a container for holding pencils or M&Ms once the candle has been burned down!

A Laptop Cooling Pad to Keep Things Cool

Know someone whose laptop starts to sound like an aircraft is taking off after working for about 15 minutes? They will find this next gift handy.

In a laptop cooling pad, multiple fans are included in this one device to keep a laptop calm, cool, and collected so that the user can work peacefully without too much disturbance. Definitely a cool gift to consider!

An Activity Tracker to Keep Them Active

The benefits of telecommuting go well beyond autonomy or adaptability. It provides more chances for employees to enhance their wellness and health. The problem is that people who work from home prefer the coziness of their couches to the exertion of the treadmill.

Even worse, some employees break up their periods of inactivity with trips to the refrigerator. Complications like obesity and heart disease might result from a lack of exercise and poor eating habits. With these health-related presents, you can encourage your gift recipient to be more active.

An activity tracker encourages its user to get up and walk around after hours of sitting. Walking has a surprising variety of health advantages, such as stress reduction, better bones, and a lower chance of heart disease!

An Ergonomic Chair to Show Them that You’ve Got Their Back

A remote employee’s desk serves as both their office and their throne. However, not every office chair is made equal. Some do not provide the support that an office worker needs; they are uncomfortable, worn out, or both.

Anyone who works remotely will notice a significant difference when they have an adjustable office chair. Not only will it make them more comfortable during extended periods spent at their desk, but it will also give their back and neck the support they so desperately need.

Giving your gift recipient an ergonomic office chair is a wonderful way to convey your concern for their comfort and well-being.

An Air Filter for Better Air Quality

In a tiny area, contaminants from cleaning, cooking, and even off-gassing from carpets and furniture can quickly accumulate. Because it can help to enhance the air quality at their home office and make it a healthier workplace, air filters make wonderful presents for those who work from home. You can choose an air filter that suits the needs of the gift recipient and your gift-giving budget because they come in a variety of sizes and types. A small desktop-sized air filter may be helpful if their office space is cramped.

An air filter can help to create a cleaner and more comfortable workspace, whether they need something to remove dust and pollen or something to trap smoke and pet dander.

Excellent Packaging for an Excellent Gift

A good gift is never complete without excellent packaging. Here at Alpacka, we specialize in kitting and assembly services to provide an excellent finishing touch for your handpicked gift. Check out the past packing projects we’ve delivered for our clients!



P.S. I’m available for gifts… let me know if you need my address or contact details 😉

work from home setup
Bonnie loves working from home and all her gifts!

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